
Quality Insights Case Study
Quality Insights is a leading provider of data-based healthcare education and consultation for patients, They've been improving health and care quality since they were founded in 1973, and have helped over 17 Million patients, developed 1,500…

The Building of Apple's Brand Image
Example of Brand Strategy mental model

Opportunities For Growth - Amazon
Example of Innovation Landscape mental model

Improving Your Retail Business
Example of Start-Stop-Continue Mental Model

Entering the Airline Industry
Example of Porter's 5 forces mental model

Buying Criteria For A Car
Example of Need vs Want mental model

Website Designing Through Wix
Example of Retrospective mental model

Time Tracking Software
Example of Stakeholder vs Popular mental model

Successfully Starting Up a Company
Example of Difficulty vs Risk mental model

Opportunities For Growth - Tesla
Example of Cause of Difficulty mental model

External Forces Impacting Pfizer
Example of a PESTLE Analysis

Quality Insights selects Invent Value to accelerate pace of everyday innovation
Quality Insights––a leading provider of data-based healthcare education and consultation for patients, providers, and communities––came together over the span of one day to generate dozens of ideas about how to solve a pressing RFP challenge...

Innovation Process
The innovation process and how Invent Value helps in the process.
White Paper

Workshop Methods
45 workshop methods that can be leveraged as you set up new challenges to solve with your team.
White Paper

Invent Value Introduction
A video giving an introduction to what Invent Value is, and the core functionality to allows companies to stay fresh and innovate.

Innovation Principle 10: Utilize Anonymity
Understand how to utilize anonymity to get the most of your team.

Innovation Principle 7: Seek Inspiration
To innovate: seek inspiration. Step outside of your typical routines and focus on fresh ideas to find innovation inspiration.

Innovation Principle 4: Present a Challenge
To innovate: present a challenge. Presenting problem-solving as a challenge will push the boundaries of potential and energize your quest for innovation.

Innovation Principle 1: Build it into the Culture
Our new Innovation Principle series sets forth a series of ideas around becoming better innovators, starting with Build It into the Culture.

Implementing VR in Real Estate
Example of Order Ranking & Quarterly Roadmapping mental models

Steps To Build Credit
Example of Now-Soon-Later mental model

Obstacles To Work Immersion
Example of Most Difficult mental model

Google Growth Opportunities
Example of the Three Cs mental model

College Education Analysis
Example of a Cost Benefit Analysis mental model

Buying An Electric Car
Example of Pros, Cons, and Neutral mental model

Transitioning to E-Commerce
Example of 3 Horizons mental model

Tesla Business Analysis
Example of SWOT Analysis

Spotify Development Opportunities
Example of Technology, Design, Business mental model

Instagram Feature Analysis
Example of Feature Grid mental model

Corporate Mindfulness Program
Example of Wall of Work: Backlog, Doing, & Done

Innovation Maturity Model
One-sheet printable Innovation Maturity Model
White Paper

9 Keys to an Innovative Culture
An innovative culture is much more than technology- it involves putting organization around your process and people that spurs ongoing engagement and action against ideas that have value. Good habits take time, and the InventValue program conveniently…
White Paper

8 Aspects of Fresh Innovation Maturity Model
Create a way to collect and organize ideas from all levels within your company.
White Paper

What is innovation?
What is Innovation? 30+ definitions lead to one fresh summary: Fresh Thinking that Creates Value

Innovation Principle 9: Keep it Open
Responsibility for innovation doesn’t rest with one person or even one group of people. When innovation is part of your culture, everyone is responsible.

Innovation Principle 6: Ideate Alone First
To innovate: ideate alone first. Group think can hinder the ideation process. Individuals need time to fully conceive their ideas before group analysis.

Innovation Principle 3: True Innovation Creates Value
To be innovative, creativity alone is not enough. Products and designs require another key ingredient to generate true value in innovation.

Technology Landscape for Innovation
Innovation and technology are intricately interwoven; this white paper elucidates much of the complexity regarding the technological landscape of innovation.
White Paper

Workflow and Process of a Restaurant
Example of the SIPOC Process Improvement mental model

Parameters For Choosing a VR Headset
Example of Most Important mental model

Improving Your Mental Health
Example of most valuable mental model

Entering the Clothing Industry
Example of Assumption Mapping & Assumption Grid mental models

Career Work-Life Balance
Example of Most Time-Consuming mental model

Advertising Your Start Up Business
Example of Effort vs Impact mental model

Top Running Shoes in 2021
Example of Contributor and Contributions mental model

Switching to iOS - Is It Worth It?
Example of Competitive Analysis mental model

Revenue From Developing A Smartwatch
Example of Ballpark Figures mental model

Home Security Cameras
Example of Know, Wonder, Learned mental model

Name a Company, Business, or Product
A workstream focused on the process of naming a company, business, or product. Follow the 6-step process and leverage Invent Value throughout, to facilitate the workflow.

Product Development Matrix
The product development matrix.
White Paper

Technology Innovation Cards
Fresh’s Technology Innovation cards empower anyone to think like a designer. Players have to think outside the box about how the cards relate, using them to solve modern design challenges through group innovation.

Invent Value Directory
Use the Invent Value Directory to ideate on the types of challenges you can set up based on department.
White Paper

No one feels happy walking away from the suggestion box
In a recent discussion about some fresh entrepreneurial ideas, one of my colleagues at Intel suggested some ways to improve Intel’s operation, but commented that “no-one feels happy walking away from the suggestion box”. Why does no-one feel happy…

Innovation Principle 8: Focus on Options First, not Solutions
To innovate: focus on options, not solutions. By creating a multitude of options, you are more likely to land on the solution.

Innovation Principles 5: Frame a Beautiful Problem
To innovate: frame your challenge. Applying constraints like time, budget, or functionality, creates a framework for productive problem solving.

Innovation Principle 2: Creativity is Essential to Survive
The most innovative businesses differentiate themselves from the competition by making creativity a part of their culture.

The Risk of Not Innovating
What do all of these companies have in common? They went from thriving to closing and bankruptcy. But what caused these once-booming companies to implode while others kept on? The sad truth is they failed to innovate at the right time and in the…
White Paper
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